Andrew Donovan Looney Scholar Lillian Wallace’s Summer with Piedmont

This summer, I had the incredible opportunity to work with the Piedmont Fox Hounds, thanks to The Andrew Donovan Looney “Passion and Dreams” Scholarship. My time there was not just a job; it was a transformative experience that deepened my love for horses, the outdoors, and the community that surrounds foxhunting.

Under the guidance of Kaitlyn Kubiak and Jordan Hicks, I spent the majority of my time in the barn. From the moment I arrived, I was struck by the work ethic and dedication of everyone involved. Witnessing the commitment of the team was truly inspirational. Mornings began early, often at 5 a.m. on Saturdays, and while that was intimidating at first, I grew to cherish those quiet moments. Watching the sunrise while on horseback became a meditative ritual that set the tone for my day.

Working at Piedmont allowed me to appreciate the remarkable role that both horses and hounds play in making foxhunting a reality. Each animal has its own unique personality and contribution, and celebrating their work was a rewarding experience. Kaitlyn went above and beyond to ensure I had meaningful learning opportunities. One of my favorite moments was when she gave me a lesson on my favorite horse, Ike. With her encouragement, I gained confidence in my jumping skills and overall riding ability, which has made a lasting impact on my development as a rider.

In addition to riding, I had the chance to participate in various behind-the-scenes activities that truly enriched my understanding of the organization. I helped deworm the puppies and watched as they received their tattoos. These tasks, although simple, made me feel like an integral part of the team. They highlighted the immense care and effort that goes into raising and training the hounds, fostering a sense of gratitude for the people and animals that keep Piedmont thriving.

Returning to college after such a fulfilling summer has been an adjustment. I often think about taking Kaitlyn up on her playful offer to homeschool me—I miss the horses and the camaraderie of the barn. Piedmont gave me a sense of purpose that was irreplaceable, providing experiences that I couldn’t have found anywhere else.

My time at Piedmont also deepened my appreciation for the hunt country itself. Learning about the maintenance required to keep this area a healthy and diverse ecosystem was eye-opening. It’s not just about the thrill of the hunt; it’s about sustaining the land where wildlife can thrive. This understanding transformed my perspective on outdoor spaces and conservation efforts.

One of the more unexpected lessons came from Johnny Dean, who taught me how to use a weed wacker. I quickly learned that maintaining the grounds is no easy task! After struggling through that experience, I was grateful that I only had to do it once. It’s remarkable how much labor goes into making the area beautiful and functional, and it made me appreciate the physical effort that is often overlooked.

During my first week, I experienced the chaos of moving everything to a temporary barn down the road. Feeling lost among unfamiliar faces and routines was daunting, but it also served as a reminder of how important community is. By the end of the summer, I witnessed the dedication and hard work that transformed that temporary space into a home for the horses. The bonds formed in that environment were palpable and contributed to a sense of belonging that I had not anticipated.

Overall, my summer at Piedmont was one of the most enriching experiences of my life. I am filled with gratitude for Kaitlyn, Jordan, and everyone else who welcomed me into their world. The lessons I learned and the friendships I forged have left a lasting mark on my heart. As I move forward in my academic journey, I carry with me the skills, insights, and memories from Piedmont—an experience that has truly shaped my perspective on passion, purpose, and the incredible bond between humans and animals.

Thank you, Kaitlyn, Jordan, Melecio aka Chav, Johnny, Jen, Ashby, and Kenzie for an incredible summer, and to Mary and Gregg Looney and PFH Conservation Fund for making this possible!